Losing Coach Mac
Dec 03, 2024 12:00 PM
Kim Laureen
Losing Coach Mac

Kim Laureen is a local filmmaker and one half of Fresh Independence Productions bringing Stories from the Heart. She is writer and director of their award winning documentaries. Believing we each have a gift withinwaiting to shine light on the world, she is led to inspire others to discover their purpose.

Kim is here to share about the newly released documentary ‘Losing Coach Mac’ which celebrates the life and career of educator, coach and mentor Bill MacGregor - whose bucket of time and compassion never emptied for those
around him. He is currently walking his greatest challenge thus far with CTE and Dementia. Our hope is this film will be a solid resource for others navigating a similar diagnosis with their loved one. Together we can make a difference.


Event Brite Link for Dec 6th Screening Event: